
If you touched two wires, each at 400 volts, would nothing happen?

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If you touched two wires, each at 400 volts, would nothing happen?

If you touched two wires, each at 400 volts, it is possible that you could get electrocuted.

The amount of current that flows through your body depends on the voltage difference between the two wires and the resistance of your body.

If the voltage difference has the potential to cause a lethal electric shock and the insulation on the conductors is insufficient to limit the current to below the threshold for a lethal electric shock, then electrocution is possible ¹.

Therefore, it is always best to avoid touching any electrical wires or conductors that are not properly insulated or grounded. If you need to work with electrical equipment or wiring, make sure you are properly trained and equipped with appropriate safety gear.

It is important to note that even if you touch only one wire, you can still get electrocuted if there is a path for current to flow through your body and into the ground ¹.

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