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Electromagnetic Suspension System: working principle, application and components

Bose active suspension diagram


Keep in mind the days when building up a car vehicle essentially required congregations of pack of mechanical parts with tad of hardware and mechanical development of these segments made it conceivable to run a vehicle. Oh dear! Those were the brilliant days for a mechanical specialist.

With the progression in innovation now days, A car vehicle is an element of half mechanical and half electrical parts that cooperates to make it conceivable to run a vehicle and furthermore make the vehicle productive and brisk responsive. At the end of the day we can say that “Now present day car vehicles have a few cerebrums”. So today in this article we will dive in around one of the real progression in savvy car frameworks i.e. Electromagnetic suspension framework.

An electromagnetic suspension framework in the present top of the line hatchback and vehicle autos is just a similar McPherson swagger (allude article on suspension framework) utilized in ordinary autos however with a brilliant structure modification i.e. utilization of electromagnets inside dampers of its suspension framework that are controlled by the electronic control unit of the vehicle, which makes the suspension 100% all the more fast responsive and effective, which thusly makes the ride progressively smooth and astoundingly steady.

What makes it worth to put in some additional cash?

Uncompromised comfort, surprising brilliant highlights and better execution are the 3 present day prerequisites of the present client, and with regards to dynamic security and solace at that point there is no preferable alternative over an electromagnetic suspension as –

Little cons

The main little cons of applying these savvy electromagnetic suspensions are their surprising expense and plan intricacy.

Electromagnetic Suspension System Components

As we have just examined that electromagnetic suspension framework is the aftereffect of minimal propelled change in damper of straightforward Macpherson swagger suspension, so the development of these two is relatively same.

Same as the Macpherson, electromagnetic suspensions comprises of –

  1. Lower arm– Same as the Macpherson swagger, A lower arm is an ‘A’

molded 2-DOF linkage used to interface the wheel to the frame through lower mounting purpose of the wheel’s knuckle.

  1. Knuckle or upstanding – It is the part which is utilized as mounting for number of segments of suspension, controlling and stopping mechanisms of a vehicle, in Macpherson swagger and electromagnetic suspension framework knuckle is utilized as the lower arm and upper damper mounting segment that associates the case and the wheel as indicated by the structured points.
  2. Spring and damper get together (for nitty gritty development read our article on dampers)- In electromagnetic suspension this is where change in the development is made which makes it unique in relation to that of Macpherson swagger .

Inside the damper of the electromagnetic suspension, quantities of electromagnets (with copper winding) are fitted inside the roundabout cylinder having liquid channels over its body, these electromagnets are associated with the electronic control unit of the vehicle for the data sources.

The liquid inside the damper of electromagnetic suspension is blended with the quantities of metal particles which are in charge of damping control and firmness of the dampers.

  1. Sensors– Number of sensors are utilized with various parts of electromagnetic suspension which makes this framework keen and brisk responsive, these sensors sense the prerequisite of the ride and sent signs to the ECU of the vehicle so as to control the suspension as needs be and are in charge of strength of this electromagnetic suspension framework.
  2. Electronic control unit– This is likewise called the cerebrum of the advanced car vehicle as it controls every one of the frameworks of the cutting edge autos simply like a shrewd robot, ECU is a customized chipset that deals with various calculations for various arrangement of a vehicle so as to insightfully control the distinctive frameworks of a vehicle.

Obviously the battery of the vehicle is utilized as the power hotspot for the ECU and in addition all the electronic parts of the keen car framework eg-electromagnets in electromagnetic suspension framework.


As we as a whole realize that the reason for any suspension framework climate it is mechanical or electromagnetic is to give dynamic dependability and solace to the vehicle. So to comprehend the working of the electromagnetic suspension we need to burrow inside the damper of this suspension framework. So how about we go in-


The electromagnetic suspension framework are utilized in vehicles of Audi, BMW, Mercedes, Tesla and so forth in light of their surprising expense.

It is utilized in Maglev (attractive levitation) trains, dynamic attractive bearing deals with this standard of electromagnetic suspension.

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