Why does the handrail on an escalator always go faster than the stairs?
Why does the handrail on an escalator always go faster than the stairs?
There are several possible reasons why the handrail on an escalator may move at a different speed than the stairs.
One reason is that the handrail is made of a rubber ring that stretches and wears out over time due to friction, making it slightly longer and slower than the stairs².
Another reason is that the handrail is designed to move faster when going up and slower when going down to help people keep their balance and prevent them from falling⁴.
A third reason is that the handrail has a tolerance of 0 to 2% relative to the nominal speed of the stairs, which means it can vary slightly depending on the load and temperature³.
These are some of the factors that affect the speed of the handrail on an escalator.