Which of the following are the constants of the transmission lines?
(A) Resistance
(B) Inductance
(C) Capacitance
(D) All of the above.
Answer: (D) All of the above
- a b c d constants of the transmission line( Primary line constants)
- The line constants are parameters that describe the characteristics of conductive transmission lines.
The primary line has the following constants
R = Resistance per unit length Ω
L = Inductance per unit length (Henry) H
C = Capacitance per unit length (Henry) H
G = Conductance per unit length ℧
All these constants are independent of frequency, therefore, they are called primary constants and these constants are measured by considering both the wires of the transmission lines.
R and L elements are in series with the line (because they are properties of the conductor) and C and G are elements shunting the line (because they are properties of the dielectric material between the conductors).
G represents leakage current through the dielectric and in most cables is very small.