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What is the Difference betweenNPN and PNP Transistor?

What is the Difference betweenNPN and PNP Transistor?

AnswerNPN and PNP transistors are both bipolar junction transistors.

However, there are numerous differences between them.

In a PNP transistor, the majority charge carriers are holes while in NPN, the majority charge carriers are electrons.

PNP switches ON by a low signal whereas NPN switches ON by a high signal. In PNP transistors, the P represents the polarity of the emitter terminal and N represents the polarity of the base terminal.

In NPN, N represents the negatively charged coating of the material whereas P represents the positively charged layer.

The conduction in NPN transistor is because of electrons while the conduction in PNP transistor is due to holes.

The emitter terminal of NPN transistor is connected to the negative terminal of the battery while in PNP transistor, the flow of current is in the inward direction.

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