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What Are The Four Processes Of Diesel Cycle ?

Diesel cycle is likewise called as steady weight cycle. The diesel motor works on this cycle. This cycle likewise contains four procedures, out of which two procedures are adiabatic, the third one is steady weight process and process is consistent volume process cycle is an air-standard cycle (a burning procedure), which is utilized to structure for the most part pressure start motors. By and large, these engines are heavier than petroleum motors.

Procedures In Diesel Cycle-

1– 2= Adiabatic compression

2– 3= Heat expansion at steady weight

3– 4= Adiabatic development

4– 1= Heat rejected at steady volume

Following is the weight versus volume diagram for a diesel cycle.

Isentropic Compression (Process 1– 2)

Isobaric Heat Addition (Process 2– 3)-

Isentropic Expansion (Process 3– 4)

This procedure is likewise isentropic.

Isochoric Expansion (Process 4– 1)

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