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Turbines Compressors and Fans

Turbines Compressors and Fans

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S M Yahya

Turbines, Compressors Fans is a self-contained treatise on the theory, design and application of turbomachines.

The book deals with the use of turbomachines in air handling, power generation, aircraft propulsion and several industrial applications.

It covers the basic theory and working of all kinds of turbomachines. In addition, the book covers the fundamentals and discusses role of

individual turbomachines in a plantDimensional analysis and flow through cascadesFans, blowers, high-temperature turbine stages and wind

turbines.The revised and updated edition of this book includes several problems on hydraulic turbines and pumps, which make use of Euler s turbine/compressor equations.With this comprehensive coverage, the book

is of immense use to design and research engineers in the areas of aerospace, power plant, supercharged IC engines, industrial fans, blowers and compressors.

It also serves as a valuable reference for students of mechanical and aerospace engineering.

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